"Arkosart" Interpretative and Symbolic Paintings


In 2008, missing a place in my house to paint, I decided I needed a studio. There was an old ruin in the garden which would be perfect. I had save some money from the sale of my paintings, so I began to plan the building and to by the materials. The followings three summers I havec trnsformed the ruin into the studio of my dreams. It has become a place for art, music and literature for me and my friends.


Atelier avant travaux Atelier avant travaux 2
Etat avant construction: façade sud Etat avant construction: façade nord
Construction atelier Construction atelier sol
Toit en construction Sol
Entrée atelier Coté sud atelier
Entrée façade sud, avec ses gardiennes!  Façade sud
Construction atelier nord  
Façade nord